Thursday, 11 July 2019

What's the rush?

We left at 10:00 for what should have been a leisurely ride to Bilbao. 7 miles up the only coast road and the road was closed! In situations like this, Tomtom can either shrug and simply find a new route or throw a complete bloody wobbler. No prizes for guessing which it was. We spent about 90 minutes, heading this way, then that, before we finally got on something approaching a direct route.  Very frustrating, to say the least.

That wasn't the end of things either. Some of the junctions were so complicated it was hard to see which road to take, " bear left, then keep right, then bear right". Inevitably we missed one or two. 

As we approached Bilbao, we had one further incident. I went right, Sanch went left. Luckily for me, I had chosen correctly, whilst Sanch went sailing above me. I was convinced he'd probably arrive at the ferry before me but no, on this occasion I arrived first. I waited before the booths, for about 5 minutes, before I saw Sanch's hi-viz jacket hone into view. The last few yards on Spanish soil were, thankfully, uneventful and we are now just about ready for a beer, as we steam out of harbour.

Bilbao harbour wall

1 comment:

  1. Now that IS a harbour wall..... impressive....
