Saturday, 29 June 2019

Ayrton Cepsa

Left Ronda with less fuss than our arrival and were soon on some nice sweeping roads, at our usual steady 80kph. That's plenty fast enough to be economical and allow time to  see what is around us. It does frustrate the locals though.

Now, Sanch can be pretty slow at times (I've seen grannies on mobility scooters quicker) but I doubt even he was expecting some would be racing driver, to overtake him in a petrol tanker! Not content with the Shadslow, he thought he'd take Ginny as well. Slight problem, there was a coach approaching from the opposite direction. Discretion being the better part of valour, I rolled off the throttle to give Ayrton the space to get back in. A bit of a crazy move to say the least. 

Our first stop is at Fuente de los 100 caños. A huge concrete fountain basically, with 100 outlet pipes (not counted) fed by spring water. We nearly ended up in someone's garden, as tomtom told us to turn right into their driveway but we were soon on track again. What looked like being another off road adventure though turned out ok, as the road, surprisingly, turned from gravel to concrete, albeit with some steep sections. Whilst we are here, a couple of guys have arrived in vans loaded with 5 litre bottles and are filling them, despite signs saying water quality can't be guaranteed. I guess they know though. I've topped up the hyperkewl. 

We have a fuel stop before we reach our digs in Torrox Costa. Should be a short riding day.

Fuente de los 100 caños

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